Franklin TN Family Photographer | Helweg Family

March 12, 2022

When a momma hires me, my goal is to show them the amazing the amazing mother they are. I know many mothers (including me) are filled with self doubt.

Will I be enough for the human I love more than anything on this planet? How could I ever be enough? When nothing will ever be what my child deserves?

Momma. You are enough. Even with the flaws and mistakes we make, we are enough. Because we were chosen. Chosen to be their mother. And that in and of itself means you are enough.

Breathe it in. And say. I am enough. Because I choose love.

Contact me.

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In 2022, our society has taught us to focus on the now. The immediate needs and wants. Social media has taught us to care about what we can share, what’s “sexy” according to Instagram. We as a society care less about what we will want or need a decade or two from now.

But I have chosen to listen closely to what people who are older than me say. They all say the same things.

Your “stuff” won’t matter. That Pinterest worthy kitchen, wont matter. Your $75K car, wont matter. What will you miss?

You will wish you were less busy. You will want more time. You will want to revisit the good ole days (PS, you’re in them right now).

I encourage you to live for your future self. Imagine being 65. Will you have stories to tell and share (in person, I dont mean share on social media). Will you have spent enough time with your loved ones.

Even the homeschool parents who have graduated kids tell me “I wish I had done less” – they spent years cramming academics into their kids and later realize it was not only unnecessary but it took away precious time.

Spend more time together, and capture those stories. The stories of your dinner times, your prayers, family game night, baking with your kids on Sunday. Whatever your story is, its worth telling.

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I hear it often:

I want a family film but I think I should wait for ….

When I lose the weight…

When my house is renovated…

When my next baby comes….

When my child is a little older….

When we move to our new home….

When the weather is warmer…

When the leaves have fallen….

The thing is… it is already later than you think. And if you are always waiting for life to be more perfect than it is right now, then you’re missing the NOW.

It is already later than you think.

Our culture seems to be moving further and further away from a culture that supports and encourages moms in their mothering.

We normalize complaining about our children and our husbands. We normalize needing wine as a coping mechanism. We normalize unsuccessfully nursing. We normalize sending our infants and children off to institutions to be raised. We normalize making moms feel less than unless they’re running a household, raising children, having a successful career, all while maintaining sexiness. She isn’t enough unless she can do all the things without fail. Which is actually unsustainable. No wonder women don’t think they can homeschool.

I used to be that mom but I’m here to say it’s all lies. You can do less and be more worthy. You can have mechanisms that even when you’re in the busiest season, you’re happier and calmer than ever rather than exhausted and yelling. But we don’t help moms gain those skills. We just say “yeah girl I need wine too” instead of why are we so stressed and how do we find our happy?