Nashville Birth Videographer + Photographer | The Birth of Owen Jesse

January 16, 2025

Jessie hired me with some slight risk attached to it. She was due around the time I would be in Tampa Florida for a family film. But it was her 4th baby and she always goes later…. so we took the risk. When a client hires me for birth, we talk about the chance I don’t make it to their birth. They basically get a credit for the amount they spent for future film and photography. She and I both entered into this willingly and hopeful. Well, a hurricane hit Florida, so I was in fact here and she did in fact go later as well.

on the day she gave birth, she sent me a few texts about things potentially starting. It was breakfast time so I simply got ready in case I got the call. She goes fast and lives 35 minutes away. I started to get a feeling around 11 am and went into town to be closer to her. I texted her midwife (she and I are friends) to ask if she was the one on call. and She was! (Lauren Drees of Haven Birth and Wellness). Not only that but she was grateful for the heads’ up (Jessie had not yet contacted her) so she could get showered and ready since she knew she would be on video! I ended up hanging out a friend’s house for a bit when I got the call to come. I was all of 7 minutes away. We all arrived about 90 mins before baby arrived 🤣🤣🤣 So I think we all played our cards right!

Jessie is so funny in birth. She’s very chatty in between contractions and there are very few signs she’s about to give birth. Her doula of 4x was there and let us know “this is how she is all the way up until pushing!” I don’t think Jessie had more than handful of contractions in the tub before baby was arriving earth side!

Day time births are my specialty it seems. After the tub birth, Jessie moved into a guest room for her postpartum. The light was OUT of the world!!! Just breathtaking. I loved editing this birth and making the prayer from Grandpa included. It is so special and I wanted them to always remember it.

If you want your birth captured on video and photos, please let’s chat! 



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