4 Tips for Creating a Cozy and Relaxing Birth Space | Nashville Birth Photographer + Videographer

May 28, 2023

How a mother decorates her birth space matters for a few reasons. For one, She is going to want to feel good in her environment during her labor and birth. The decor should feel inspiring and encouraging. But also, if she is hiring a photographer or videographer, the lighting may impact how the film and photos turns out.

Keep reading for 4 Tips to make your home birth space look cozy and relaxing!

If you are thinking about having a birth videographer/photographer at your birth, my calendar books up fast! Contact me here!

mother labors at home in birth tub water birth

#1 Get the WHITE Birth Tub.

This makes a huge difference in the way your birth photos and video turn out. As you can see below, the blue tub creates a blue color cast onto baby’s face. In the white, tub it not only does not do that but it also reflects light onto baby’s face, even though the window is not facing baby, which is SO helpful for brighter photos and video! Not to mention the aesthetic of the room changes entirely! This tub is beautiful and many local doulas and midwives have them to rent.

home birth tub water birth nova birth services doula midwife

Baby Looks at mom just after being born at home in a white birth tub with haven birth and wellness

mom labors during home birth in tub water birth Earthside Birth Tub Haven birth and wellness Lauren Drees mom labors during home birth in tub water birth Earthside Birth Tub Sara Rosser Sarah Fuqua Ford August Birth

#2 Get some twinkly lights

(and put them behind a sheer white curtain)

If your birth is at night, this helps light the room beautifully. You want to avoid orangey things like salt lamps and battery powered candles and add in things that bring a more neutral color of light into the room. I also tell my clients to use table side lamps in addition to help really create a brighter birth space. If the room is not lit well, the photos and video will be dark and grainy. Not only that, but if it’s too dark, I have issues focusing. My camera can’t see to focus and you can end up with blurry photos and video. No one wants to pay all that money to hire a birth videographer and photographer to end up with low quality photos and video!

Sara Rosser watching her client labor

mom labors side lying in bed during her first home birth to birth her 3rd baby

Midwife Sarah fuqua ford of August Birth loves on her client in labor during a home birth

#3 Create a space for affirmations.

You can use an affirmation banner (they sell these on Etsy, or you can create your own). Or you can just tape beautiful bible verses and affirmations to the wall. This not only encourages you during labor but also provides a beautiful and calm setting to birth in. I tend to video this so that I can tell the story in a more clear way as well.

birth wall decor inspiring quotes

#4 You can hang a tapestry.

This can serve two purposes… You decorate your space  AND encourage yourself with words! You can shop this tapestry below on Amazon. 

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Midwife Sarah Fuqua Ford Helps a mom labor during her home birth August Birth Nashville Franklin TN

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