Nashville Birth Videographer + Photographer | The birth of Faye Susan

February 6, 2022

The Birth of Faye Susan. Baby girl #2 for the Phamvan Family. Just a small warning, there is a lot of intimacy in this video.

Baby Faye arrived 2 days after her due date. Everyone patiently awaited her arrival with the anticipation of a home birth. Around Thanksgiving, it was discovered that Faye was breech. This caused some concerns but the birth team remained positive that baby would turn. A version was

scheduled for December 1st. Stresses were starting to rise. But a few days prior to the appointment, baby finally turned! The family could move forward with the planned home birth. We all rejoiced and went back to our patient waiting.

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Erin (momma) has fast babies. There is always a concern that baby might come before myself or the midwife can arrive. But, thankfully, everyone arrived right around 8 cm. Great right? we have time? HA! Baby arrived within 15 minutes of my arrival! Momma was in the shower for 5 or

so of those minutes. I was working on my settings in between walking out of the bathroom to defog my lens. I was still working on getting my settings adjusted to the bedroom light when she says “I’m bearing down!” When baby is literally coming, you have to settle in on your camera

settings and just shoot and pray. Her scene was set for birth, with low light and lots of ambiance. Peaceful music and and warm calm environment for baby’s arrival. That can make focusing and having a brighter film difficult, but thats the reality of filming in real life. Some birth

photographers and videographers will bring lights or a flash, but I feel thats too disruptive to the birth environment. I have labored naturally and environment is everything.

nashville birth photographer videographer film maker home birth

After Faye was born, I spent the next few hours filming and photographing their family together, as big sister came to meet Faye and as baby was weighed and measured. I love that they planned champagne together afterwards, it was such a perfect ending to this birth video.

Having your birth videoed and photographed is one of the most amazing decisions a mother can make. They forever keep that first moment as her baby was born, her first words she spoke when she saw her baby for the first time… That first cry. There is nothing else like it. I had my 2nd

birth filmed and photographed and it is the most precious gift. Memories quickly fade after birth and recalling the moments becomes harder and harder. I just wish I had my first son’s birth also on video. Don’t miss the opportunity! Reach out to me and let’s talk about capturing your birth.

nashville birth photographer videographer film maker home birth