Raw & Intimate Films
Where we call home - 41°24'12.2"N - Vancouver, Canada
Timeless & Powerful
Handcrafted Imagery
- 2016 -
- ESTD -
New York & Beyond
A small intro to our own love storY.
We’re Jake
and Lauren
We can pull off an intimate indoors session, where there’s just the two of you fooling around and being madly in love. sque feugiat lacus, nulla arcu nullam. Sit nibh lacus, nunc ac, urna enim posuere scelerisque. Cras arcu consectetur mauris, donec. Pellentesque feugiat lacus, nulla arcu nullam. Sit nibh lacus, nunc ac, urna enim posuere sceleris.Pellentesque feugiat lacus, nulla arcu nullam.

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Picked Projects
Emotion stirring videos with a cinematic feel diam facilisis id lorem purus nisi sed.

Intimate Elopement in Collins Waterfall
41°24'12.2"N - Vancouver, Canada
Pellentesque feugiat lacus, nulla arcu nullam. Sit nibh lacus, nunc ac, urna enim posuere scelerisque. Cras arcu consectetur mauris, donec...
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Normandie, to go please.
41°24'12.2"N - Normandie, France
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Cinematic • Experiences
Cinematic • Experiences
Chase & Monica Intimate Wedding @Quebec, Canada