Back in August, I had this vision of a film. I have a friend, Amy Weber, who owns Releve One – a barre and dance / fitness studio in Franklin – and she has turned it into a ministry over the years – its been amazing to watch. She has classes that are aimed towards worship and she works closely with Blue Monarch – which I want to share more about.

Who Blue Monarch Serves:

Blue Monarch is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit designed to serve abused and addicted women along with their children. We accept women who are currently recovering from physical, emotional and/or sexual abuse, alcohol or drug addictions, poverty and mental health issues. We accept women with children under the age of 9 and women who are pregnant.

What Blue Monarch does:

Blue Monarch offers each woman a one to two-year residential program specifically designed to fit her individual needs and help her further her education, break her addictions, become a better mother, obtain a job and gain independence.

The reason I want to share about this is that it is near and dear to my heart. I am currently donating to this organization. Okay, back to Amy’s film.

So back in August, I had seem so many videos of Amy worshipping Jesus with her dance that I kept envisioning her in a film / video. I mentioned the idea to Amy and she loved it, but due to busy schedules, it got moved to the back burner for a minute. Fast forward to the end of September, Im involved in an online Filming Life Academy  and quarterly, they post film challenges to push an area of our creativity. They posted their newest Arthouse challenge for the end of 2021, a Moving Portrait.  A Moving Portrait Film is usually centered around one main subject, capturing details of that person and their environment. I had the AHA when this came out as our next challenge, that I would be filming Amy. and she has the most gorgeous light in her studio.

To be honest, going into this film, I was not as sure about how to would turn out as I thought I was. I thought I had this strong vision for it, and the lord basically told me to sit down and let Him handle it. And handle it HE DID!

Filming was a breeze and amazing, I knew I wanted no audio of Amy herself or her music. and I knew I wanted all slow motion. Editing turned out to be more challenging than expected. Let’s break down why.

This wasn’t a family film. There weren’t unique situations to tie into one story. Like a person doing some cooking then a person going outside. You couldn’t tell what was first second or last. How as I going to tell the story that she was worshipping? How would the viewer feel when watching this film? Can I translate Jesus into this film? It quickly became too complicated for my flesh to be able to sort out. So I took step away, and worked on some other things and let it simmer.

This is usually the right thing for this scenario. It really helps to step away and come back fresh. I wanted a very dreamy feel and Jesus did the rest. There is scene where I overlay two clips and there’s a cross formation. I would love to say I did that, thought of it all myself. But truthfully, Jesus did it. When it came together I was amazed. I spent a lot of hours on this project and it definitely did a lot for me creatively. It also did more than that, and Im not really sure what that is yet. If you’re really into Jesus, you understand what that means.

So I finished this amazing film and posted it, waiting to hear feedback to hear what people felt. Did they grasp the story line? Also, my caption for the post on FB and IG. I struggled and struggled on what the heck I would post as the caption. Amy Worships Jesus? what would it be? I was sitting there ready to post, when I took a deep breath, and told my flesh to get out of my mind and connect with the spirit and see what He says and there it was: The Holy Spirit spoke to me and I realized, Amy wasn’t my subject.

The Holy Spirit was.

Here is the caption that was chosen for me: I intended to film Amy worshipping Jesus in her own way – through movement. But like most things that involve our savior, things are not as they seem because you’re seeing with your flesh. Turns out, Amy wasn’t my subject, the Holy Spirit was. Can you feel it?

So after watching the film, let me know. Did you feel the Holy Spirit?

So after all of that ^^^^^ Here is the film:

Amy – A Moving Portrait. from Jennie Pyfferoen on Vimeo.

