Franklin, Tennessee Maternity Photographer | Dallas & Jamie’s Documentary Maternity Session

September 18, 2022

Since shifting to documentary, I do not get maternity inquiries often. It’s pretty rare actually. It’s probably pretty hard for clients to see the story in their pregnancy. What feels like a series of days fo discomfort, sleeping, eating at bizarre hours, and getting stuff done around the house can be a season that is taken for granted. A season that feels uneventful and stressful even.

But what people do not see, is the legacy and story that lies in this season of life. The story of when it was just the two of you (or more if there are kids already) and when Daddy and Mommy were just Daddy and Mommy – the story of who they were before kids….which is a season that is SO hard to remember once kids enter the picture. Later, kids will grow up and have kids of their own, and they all will become interested more in who these people were. Especially as younger people. What will our current cultural choice of photography tell about these people? If they choose Christmas Card photos and Fall photos – how will they know who they were? 

It probably helps to know that I have one degree in early childhood education, and another in Developmental Psychology with a minor in sociology. What I tend to do is dig into the social psychology behind our choices in this time period in regards to the types of photography we choose.

okay… back to the actual session. I was able to dig deeper into the story of Jamie and Dallas while they are awaiting the birth of their first child. This helps me customize sessions to tell the story that lies there. I also wanted to capture their life with their dog…. that seems to also be a theme before kiddos… Couple gets dog first ? So I love capturing that for them. It’s usually their first baby.

A few things stood out to me as I got to know this sweet couple. They love to cook and are super meaningful people. Also, that every night as Jamie falls asleep super early, Dallas tucks her in. I really wanted a way to record that because lord knows that will likely go away as life changes. I think my favorite photos from their session was asking him to tuck her in like he does every night.

We had so much fun really getting to know one another and chatting about everything. I am so excited to meet them soon with their newborn!

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Franklin TN maternity photographer

Franklin TN maternity photographer Franklin TN maternity photographer Franklin TN maternity photographer Franklin TN maternity photographer Franklin TN maternity photographer Franklin TN maternity photographer